Online Registration Now Available

We’re happy to announce that you can now sign up for our classes online! The City of Pensacola, whose facilities we use to teach our classes, has recently added this service to make registering more convenient.

Here are the instructions provided by the City on how to sign up for this class.

WebTrac LogIn Instructions

For Those Who Have Registered with the City Before

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on “Forgot your password?”
  3. Enter email address with which you originally registered with the city.
  4. Two emails will be sent to you. One of which will tell you of your username. The other one will have a link to reset your password.
  5. Follow the link and type in the password that you wish to link with your account.
  6. Log in with your new username and password.
  7. Scroll down and click on the “Enrichment Classes” section.
  8. The “VCC Gardening” Section will have all 3 class series separated.
  9. Click the shopping cart of the series you wish to attend. A bar will appear at the bottom with an “Enroll Now” button. Click it.
  10. Select the family members that wish to attend the class and click “Add to Cart”.
  11. Review your cart to make sure you have the correct class section and family member(s).
  12. Click “Proceed To Checkout”.
  13. The full amount must be paid in order to register.

For Those Who Have Not Registered with the City Before

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on “Need an account?”
  3. Fill out all the information.
  4. Log in with your new username and password.
  5. Scroll down and click on the “Enrichment Classes” section.
  6. The “VCC Gardening” Section will have all 3 class series separated.
  7. Click the shopping cart of the series you wish to attend. A bar will appear at the bottom with an “Enroll Now” button. Click it.
  8. Select the family members that wish to attend the class and click “Add to Cart”.
  9. Review your cart to make sure you have the correct class section and family member(s).
  10. Click “Proceed To Checkout”.
  11. The full amount must be paid in order to register.

We hope this makes it easier to sign up. Please let us know if we can help you.

Hope to see you in class!